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Diplomatic Sales

Diplomatic Sales

Welcome to the Rainer Group!

At 2017 Mazda6 Sedan Action RAINER we are proud to be a traditional family business with decades of experience in international sales. Being Austria’s largest MAZDA car dealer, we are conveniently located with one mega-stores in Vienna. At RAINER, our fully trained expert team is at hand to help with all customer enquiries. Furthermore, the modern MAZDA car show room with its diplomatic sales center offers individual solutions for diplomats, expatriates and tourists.

As a diplomat, you can benefit from special conditions and tax benefits for purchases, as well as personal customer care and choose from the full range of MAZDA vehicles tailored to your individual needs.

For the very best offers and one-on-one customer service, please contact our expert and representative for diplomatic sales, Mr. Gerald Pilz.

Gerald Pilz

Gerald Pilz
Diplomatic Sales Representative
+431/601 66 - 221
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I qualify to the Diplomatic Program?
If you work for an embassy, mission, or NGO, as well as if you are a member of the diplomatic corps within an international organisation representing your country in Austria, or if you are on a diplomatic mission for at least one year, you may purchase a vehicle for official or private use under special conditions and with certain tax benefits.

How many cars am I entitled to buy with diplomatic benefits?
Each holder of a diplomatic passport or service pass who is accredited by the Austrian government is entitled to buy one car per year under special conditions and with certain tax benefits.

Can members of my family also benefit from the program?
All members of your family who enjoy diplomatic status are entitled to purchase a vehicle under the diplomatic program if they are also accredited by the Austrian government.

Which documents are needed?
To place an order, a certified copy of your diplomatic or service passport is required (all relevant pages).

Are there any financial plans available for the purchase under the diplomatic program?
Yes, we offer special financial plans. Our Diplomatic Sales representative will be more than happy to advise you on this topic.

Which tax-free car purchases are possible for buyers with diplomatic status?
If your diplomatic status qualifies you for a tax-free purchase of a vehicle, we are pleased to offer tax-free sales across the entire MAZDA range.
Our attractive terms and conditions for the diplomatic corps have been designed to meet individual needs. After completing the contact form our diplomatic sales representative will contact you shortly.

Contact us

Please provide some general information regarding your inquiry and we will get in touch as soon as possible. Be assured that all provided information will be handled confidentially.


Kontakt Info

RAINER Megastore
Wiedner Gürtel 3A - 1040 Wien
Tel.: +431 / 601 66 - 0
Mail: office@rainer.co.at
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